new manipulative for classrooms or just for fun...
This unique puzzle is ideal for teaching basic math
skills, problem solving and critical thinking in an
exciting way! The vanish
geometrical effects will hold both
juniors' and seniors' attention!
of the game
A) Remove the 10 pieces from the frame, then replace
them without the small square to fill the frame again!
B) Using all 7 Tangram pieces, form figures both with
and without a mystifying triangle... (15 original paradoxical
an innovative version of the famous Tangram puzzle
(more info about
the concept). First, the issue is to recompose
the rectangular puzzle with 1 piece missing, then,
to make an element of an assembled figure disappear
(or appear). Currently
there is only one puzzle model available: TangraMagic
can purchase TangraMagic Foam puzzle directly
from Mathartform.com (USA).
If you are interested to obtain a license
for manufacturing/distributing this puzzle,
please contact
20-page illustrated booklet with easy-to-follow
gives designs for making your own TangraMagic
puzzle to perform various geometrical magic
tricks and face intriguing challenges...
(The solutions are given in the back of
the book). The booklet includes: the history
of the Tangram, the legend of the Tangram,
paradoxical figures, pattern challenges,
and mathematical formulas as well.
A resource of puzzle activities for running recreational math workshops!
Price: $7.00 (Print)
| $4.00 (PDF)
| Age: 10 +
Booklet Tangram,
la Mente in Gioco!
sul Tangram
al numero 33 di Focus BrainTrainer,
vi proponiamo uno dei giochi creativi più stimolanti
che siano mai stati realizzati: il Tangram.
Per aiutarvi a familiarizzare con il gioco,
e anche per farvi toccare con mano la varietà di
sagome ottenibili dai sette pezzi di partenza,
abbiamo realizzato un libretto con la storia
del Tangram e 50 figure diversissime tra
loro, da quelle geometriche a quelle paradossali,
dalle sagome di animali ai twingram.
L'autore è Gianni
A. Sarcone, collaboratore
storico di BrainTrainer e grande
esperto di percezione visiva.
Potete acquistare il set (libretto + gioco) presso il vostro edicolante,
oppure richiederlo a Focus BrainTrainer.
Tangram puzzle resource and activities
for running recreational math workshops!
Prezzo: €5.90 | Età:
7 + Price: €5.90 | Age:
3D TangraMagic Puzzles
Large 3D
TrangraMagic puzzle (46
x 38 x 10 cm) ideal
for exhibitions, classrooms and training classes... Price: $180.00 | Age:
journal is
an interactive review devoted to entertaining & involving
the readers with puzzles, recreational mathematics
and visual creativity. This journal is published
for an audience without a specific math background.
Each issue covers a broad range of mental and hands-on activities
for the reader to enjoy!
to focus attention? Encourage creative exploration?" Multicultural
interactive puzzle
activities & workshops for museums
and institutions.