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Puzzle crafting & workshops • Laboratorio di giochi d'ingegno • Atelier de puzzles
by Gianni A. Sarcone & Marie-Jo Waeber
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The Impossible Pyramid Puzzle
Author: Gianni A. Sarcone

Topological puzzle - difficulty level bulbbulbbulb
Can you reproduce this pyramid-like figure just by cutting and folding a single piece of rectangular strong paper? (you cannot cut the paper into two or more different pieces)

• Reproduisez la figure ci-dessous en découpant et en pliant une feuille de papier A5. Il ne doit point rester de chutes de papier, et la structure tridimensionnelle doit former un tout unique.

• Ricavate questa struttura tridimensionale ritagliando e ripiegando un unico foglio di carta A5 senza l’utilizzo di nastro adesivo (il foglio non può essere tagliato in parti distinte!).

pyramid puzzle
Source: Big Book of Optical Illusions, ISBN 0764135201
You can reproduce this puzzle only for your personal, non-commercial use!

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arrow Solution 2 (photos from journal Focus Junior)

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Archimedes journal ARCHIMEDES journal is an interactive review devoted to entertaining & involving the readers with puzzles, recreational mathematics and visual creativity. This journal is published for an audience without a specific math background. Each issue covers a broad range of mental and hands-on activities for the reader to enjoy! Workshop image "How to focus attention? Encourage creative exploration?" Multicultural interactive puzzle activities & workshops for museums and institutions.
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