Sens de l'attention • Senso dell'attività sintetica
Test your Sense of Observation

Common sense and good sense aren't always the same thing! This small test was made to prove it... You'll discover that all is subjective and relative and what your eyes see sometimes isn't enough to have an objective opinion of the world that surrounds you.

1) Find in the diagram below:
I) 3 geometric shapes of the same area
II) 3 geometric shapes of the same perimeter
III) 2 geometric shapes of the same surface






triangle a



triangle b



concave shape
I) Shapes having the same area
II) Shapes having the same perimeter
III) Shapes having the same surface

2) What do the 3 geometric shapes below have in common? (Easy!)

area test

Click to see answer

3) The area of the outer green annulus (A) is smaller
or larger than the inner red disc (B)?

Click to see the answer

4) Home plate in the game of baseball is an irregular pentagon.
The Little League rulebook's specifications of the home plate shape
are as follows
home plate
What's wrong with these specifications?
and the answer is...

5) Which geometric shape of the diagram below
fits into the pentagonal hole?
fit it 1 fit it 2
fit it 3 fit it 4
Click here to see the answer

6) Is the volume of the concave solid in fig. A (see below)
the same as the volume of the cone in fig. B?

volume test

volume test 2

Solution >

• You've found more than 4 right answers: you're simply a genius! I'm kidding... You've just a high level of O-POWERS
• You've found at least 3 right answers: well, you're on the right track...
• You've found less than 3 right answers: you absolutely have to train your analytic mind! Read more recreational puzzle books...


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