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May 2004  

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Puzzle #97
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 Suppose you've placed a 'certain' amount of money in a secret savings account in Switzerland at r-percent interest... To know roughly when your capital will be doubled, you can use the trick of Luca Pacioli, an Italian monk and mathematician of the Rinascimento: simply divide the 'magic number' 72 by the interest rate r and you'll obtain the number of years you should wait for...
 Could you explain why and how it works?
a lot of money! francais/italiano

  The problem states that any investment at r-percent interest per annum will be doubled in approximately [72 / r] years.

a) Using simple compound interests
  Since the initial principal is to be doubled we have the equation (formula for compound interests):
2 = (1 + r/100)n
  Taking the log of both sides:
log 2 = n
· log(1 + r/100)
n = log 2 / [log(100 + r) - 2]

  Next we seek to find a number, x, such that when divided by r, the result is approximately n.
x / r = log 2 / [log(100 + r) - 2]
x ~ 0.301r / [log(100 + r) - 2]

  Nowadays interest rates are comprised between:
0.5 <= r <= 7
  Selecting a mid-range value r = 3, we find for x
x ~ 0.301
· 3 / (log103 - 2) ~ 70.35

b) Using continuously compound interests
  Since the initial principal is to be doubled we have the equation (formula for continuously compound interests):
e0.01rn = 2
  Taking ln on both sides:
0.01rn · ln e = ln 2

n = ln 2 / 0.01r

  Next we seek to find a number, x, such that when divided by r, the result is approximately n.
x / r = ln 2 / 0.01r
x ~ ln 2 / 0.01 ~ 69.31

  The above proves that Pacioli found an 'acceptable' duplication value Formula for compound interests; nevertheless, 70 (or even 71) would be a more accurate 'magic number'!

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Quiz #7
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1. Tokyo was know as:
a) Kendo
b) Kyoto
c) Edo
2. The oldest inhabited city is:
a) Rome, Italy
b) Jerusalem, Israel
c) Damascus, Syria
3. Spell 'hard water' using only 3 letters! (lower-case)
a) b) c) a) b) c) complete

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Puzzle #9, logic, by Giuseppe Spina
In the middle of a pond lies a water-lily. The water-lily doubles in size every day. After exactly 20 days the pond will be completely covered by the lily. How many days were necessary to cover half of the pond?
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Puzzle #10, maths, by K. Z. Urpania
1 liter French wine + its bottle cost 1'000 dollars. The wine costs 998 dollars more than the bottle. Find the cost of each!
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Wunderkammer #7
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The unfillable Klein Bottle

Klein bottle, kleinsche Flasche, bottiglia di Klein, bouteille de Klein  The Klein bottle - devised by the German mathematician Felix Klein (1849-1925) - was originally called a 'Kleinsche Fläche' [Klein surface] in German but mistranslated into English as 'Kleinsche Flasche' [Klein bottle]. Well, a Klein bottle is a closed non-orientable surface that has no inside or outside (i. e. a fly moving around in this surface can return to it's starting point mirror-imaged!). It can be constructed by gluing both pairs of opposite edges of a rectangle together giving one pair a half-twist, but can be physically realized only in 4 dimensions, since it must pass through itself without the presence of a hole. The image opposite is an 'immersion' of the Klein bottle in a 3-D space (R3), it shows that it contains one closed, continuous curve of self-intersection, where the 'neck' meets the 'bottle' (it is where the light green part of the image meets the dark green part).
  This topological object is like a Moebius band without edges! Actually, it is what you get when you glue 2 Moebius bands along their edges. Of course, as said before, you need an extra space dimension to do this...
  So now, you know why a Klein bottle cannot be filled, because there is no hole at all in it. But how can we visualize a real Klein bottle without holes? We can often visualize abstract concepts like this if we shift down one dimension. Let's think about a 2-dimensional equivalent: suppose we live on a plane, and want to draw a simple closed curve that looks like a figure eight (8). The trouble is that it intersects itself, so it's not a simple closed curve. But if we had a good enough imagination to picture a third dimension, we could lift one part of the curve a little in that direction, making a 'bridge' so the figure eight didn't intersect! That's the sort of thing you have to do to make the Klein bottle work (without holes)... A question, what happens if we make a 'real' hole in a Klein bottle? We transform this topological surface into another one called Moebius slip.
  We'll end this article by a joking quotation: "in the topologic Hell the beer is packed in Klein bottles!".

Transformation of a macaroni into a Klein bottle
maccaroni to klein bottle
More Klein sandglass  
Book: the 4th Dimension  
Klein sandglass:  (click to enlarge)
Interesting sites: Lego® Klein bottle
A lot of Klein bottle images (in French)

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"Eternity is a long time, especially towards the end..."
Robert Beauvais

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