Geometric Tessellations • Pavages géométriques • Tassellature
Seamless background patterns by G.A. Sarcone & M.J. Waeber
Geometric patterns to download for your webpage background!

How to download the gif images below?
Right click on the image and
then save to your local file using
the "Save Image As..." option
Simply drag image to your desktop
or click and hold, then save to your
folder using the "Save As..." option
moorish tiling 1 moorish tiling 2 moorish tiling 3
1.Moorish tiling 2.Moorish tiling 3.Moorish tiling
moorish tiling 4 celtic pattern japanese pattern
4.Moorish tiling 5.Celtic pattern 6.Japanese pattern
7.Op'art pattern 8.Op'art pattern 9.Medieval pattern

To view the full background on a whole page,
choose a pattern in the menu below and click "go!"
(You can later even change the "bgcolor" of your web page!)
Make your choice! arrow 2

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any of our images
or texts. Thanks
Geometric Tessellations
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