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Journal #2

Features 11 vanish puzzle drawings and models, and extensive 10-page explanations
issue 2

PDF version: $7.00 
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Vanish Puzzles 2

by Gianni A. Sarcone and Marie-Jo Waeber


The Japanese Birds
Cut out the 3 pieces A, B, C. Then, lay them out

in order to make one more bird appear

japanese vanishing bird card
©1996-2010, Sarcone & Waeber

Before... ...After reflection
solution vanish puzzle

More amazing puzzles
to print, cut out and play!

The banker nightmare... By switching the puzzle
rectangles A and B, make a money bag disappear!

the money bag puzzle
©1995-2010, Sarcone & Waeber

The steam train will lose a wagon depending on the way
you rearrange
the pieces A and B of the puzzle below
the train puzzle
©1995-2010, Sarcone & Waeber

Animated Disappearing Egg
vanishing egg

(Click to start or stop animation)

 of the vanish "paradoxes" 

arrow  make your own vanish puzzle
arrow  continue to TangraMagic, the paradoxical Tangram page
arrow  continue to Magic Hen and the disappeared egg page
arrow  continue to mathemagical cards page
arrow  back to Vanishing Bird page
vanish cards
You can acquire original vanish cards here



© 1996-2010 G. Sarcone,
You can re-use content from Archimedes’ Lab on the ONLY condition that you provide credit to the authors (© G. Sarcone and/or M.-J. Waeber) and a link back to our site. You CANNOT reproduce the content of this page for commercial purposes.

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