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Si tu veux construire un bateau,
ne rassemble pas des hommes pour aller chercher du bois,
préparer des outils,
répartir les taches,
alléger le travail,
mais enseigne aux gens la nostalgie de l’infini de la mer...

     - A. Saint-Exupery


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Previous Puzzles of the Month + Solutions

January-February 2009, Puzzle nr 120
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Puzzle # 120 Difficulty level: bulbbulb, general math knowledge.

cheese puzzle

Geometric mouse
Help Thymoty the small mouse to cut the 3-centimeter thick piece of cheese depicted above into 4 CONGRUENT pieces, so that they can pass through the 5x5-centimeter mouse hole (don’t mind the thickness of the wall).

Keywords: geometric dissections.

Related puzzles:
- Squared!
- Red Monad.

Source of the puzzle:
BrainTrainer, issue #12. © G. Sarcone.
You cannot reproduce any part of this page without prior written permission.


There are several solutions to this dissection puzzle, the one shown below is perhaps the simplest and most elegant.

solution 1

solution 1

And here is a variant by G. S. Amaresh:
solution 1


cup winnerThe Winner of the Puzzle of the Month is:
Amaresh G. S., India indian flag


© 2005 G. Sarcone,
You can re-use content from Archimedes’ Lab on the ONLY condition that you provide credit to the authors (© G. Sarcone and/or M.-J. Waeber) and a link back to our site. You CANNOT reproduce the content of this page for commercial purposes.

You're encouraged to expand and/or improve this article. Send your comments, feedback or suggestions to Gianni A. Sarcone. Thanks!

More Math Facts behind the puzzle

secant tangent theorem 2The math puzzle above is inspired from a very old puzzle called the "four knights problem". The puzzle's challenge is to cut the chessboard shown opposite into 4 congruent parts, each with a knight on it.

Source: "The Moscow Puzzles" by Boris A. Kordemsky.


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same pieces

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