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Previous optical Illusion of the Month (January 2008)

by Gianni A. Sarcone and Marie-Jo Waeber


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'What's wrong with this picture' challenge

Dents du Midi
The Swiss painter Ferdinand Hodler painted this suggestive landscape representing "The Dents du Midi" (The Teeth of Noon), a mountain range situated in the Chablais valaisan. Can you spot something interesting in the picture? (time allowed: 5 minutes)

Dents du Midi


Nobody spotted the 3 cows at the left side bottom of the painting! The posted answers to this visual puzzle (see below) prove that we see only what we want to see... We see actually what makes sense to us. Generally, our perception is governed by what we think, so what we perceive as real, and depends on our previous acquired 'patterns of thought' or 'mental models'.

Kari answered:
I see fish swimming in the ocean on the lower, lighter part of the

Bec Bentley answered:
There are images of women at the top half of the mountain. On the right there is what looks like an angel, then to the left a woman water the garden or bending over and then what look like tables and chairs with people sitting on them to the left.

Michelle Walters answered:
I found "Stone Hedge" circle in the picture.

Joe Soblosky answered:
I know I am probably wrong, but I am going to guess anyway. I took a cue from what seems like 3 wolves in the foreground. When I look at the mountain peaks, they appear to look like a pack of wolves howling while viewing them from the rear. Thanks!

You're encouraged to expand and/or improve this article. Send your comments, feedback or suggestions to Gianni A. Sarcone. Thanks!

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