A brief History of the Labyrinths (in French)
Histoire du Labyrinthe • Storia del Labirinto (in francese)

Parcours et Détours
(Article to download • Article à télécharger • Articolo da scaricare)

Downloadable PDF Article
You can download "Parcours et Détours" - a 28-page article on labyrinths and mazes - just by clicking the PDF gif below. The English version of this article was published in the journal "Cubism for Fun" issue nr. 60 and nr. 62. To have a copy of these issues email Rik van Grol.

Article téléchargeable (Format PDF)
Cliquez sur la petite image ci-dessous pour télécharger notre article sur les labyrinthes (28 pages, illustré).

Articolo "scaricabile" (PDF)
Cliccate sull'immagine qui sotto per scaricare il nostro articolo sui labirinti (28 pagine, con illustrazioni).

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