Black and White Optical Illusions Gallery
by G. Sarcone
psychedelic snailplightcardsimprobable piano baritalian restaurantimpossible solidfantastrutturecubamydetilt
Archimedes' Lab
Illusions Gallery
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Saving images on the screen is not downloading. Screen images are scanned at low 72 dpi resolution, too coarse to reproduce. When you find in our gallery one or more drawings you want to purchase and publish, contact us and we'll send you a clean, sharp, high resolution graphic file of the drawing(s) via e-mail

Screen images are offered at no charge to in-school student organizations, office bulletin boards, sharing among friends, home-made greeting cards, or just for fun as long as you leave copyright and author's info intact and place a link back to our site... You may save and print out any of the screen images solely for your personal use. All drawings shown on this website are copyrighted, you may not publish them without permission.

Concept: Archimedes' Lab | Copyrights � 1992-2005 - All rights reserved
WebDesign & realisation: G.A. Sarcone-Waeber