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Giochi per la mente risolti - Jeux de l'esprit résolus - Juegos de ingenio resueltos
by Gianni A. Sarcone & Marie-Jo Waeber
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Tone & Expand Your Mind With Fun Brainteasers

Puzzle # 11A |lateral thinkingLogic | Difficulty level: bulb

Kangaroo stroller
   The mother of Andres lives in Australia and has a very special nanny: a kangaroo! When she wants to carry her babies out for a walk, she just uses the kangaroo as a ‘leaping’ stroller by placing in its marsupium her 3 sons Pim, Pam and ... Oh, can you guess what is the name of the third son?

abracadabrain puzzle 9
Source of the puzzle: © G. Sarcone, Avianca Journal, no. 37.
Please report any error, misspelling or dead link. Thanks!

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The Kangaroo stroller
No, his name isn't Pum, but Andrès!

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Puzzle # 12A | lateral thinking Lateral thinking | Difficulty level: bulbbulbbulb

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Ghost hole
   Explain why when 3 pieces of the square shown in a) are rearranged as illustrated in c), we obtain the same square but with a mysterious hole! Where did the missing piece go???

Source of the puzzle: © G. Sarcone, New Optical Illusions.
Please report any error, misspelling or dead link. Thanks!
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Solution Ghost Hole
Ghost hole

If you could stack square A on the top of ‘square’ B, you’d see a tiny difference (in red, see above). This difference represents the area of the hole in ‘square’ B. So nothing disappeared, the missing piece is just redistributed in the whole area of ‘square’ B (square B isn’t actually a square, but a rectangle).

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