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Archimedes Laboratory Project

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english Mary has exactly 20 seconds to write down 5 different 6-digit numbers, each of which must be divisible by 7, 11, and 13 respectively. Is this challenge possible? Can you help Mary?
francais Marie a exactement 20 secondes pour écrire 5 nombres différents à 6 chiffres, chacun devant être divisible respectivement par 7, 11 et 13. Ce défi est-il possible? Pouvez-vous aider Marie?
italiano Maria ha esattamente 20 secondi per annotare 5 diversi numeri a 6 cifre, ognuno dei quali deve essere divisibile per 7, 11, e 13, rispettivamente. La sfida è possibile? Potete aiutare Maria?

Sunday puzzle 52

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Text and images by Gianni A. Sarcone 
Labels: SUNDAY PUZZLE, puzzles to solve, recreational mathematics, numbers
You can use the material shown on this page for educational purpose only as long as you credit us [© G. Sarcone,] and link back to
Creative Commons LicenseSunday Puzzle by Gianni A. Sarcone is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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