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Archimedes Laboratory Project

Puzzles & Mental Activities that Enhance Critical and Creative Thinking Skills

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english Using a beam balance try to categorize and arrange 5 weights - with no two weighing the same - from heaviest to lightest in seven or less weighing.
francais A l’aide d’une balance à plateaux, essayez de classer 5 poids – tous différents entre eux - du plus lourd au plus léger en réalisant tout au plus sept pesées.
italiano Utilizzando una bilancia a due piatti cercate di catalogare 5 pesi – tutti diversi tra loro - dal più pesante al più leggero con sette (o meno) pesate.

Sunday puzzle

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Text and images by Gianni A. Sarcone 
Labels: SUNDAY PUZZLE, puzzles to solve, recreational mathematics, weight
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